Episode 28: The Best of Times, the Worst of Times

Welcome to Make Ours Marvel, the weekly show where Michael Kaiser and Jon M. Wilson read chronologically through Marvel Comics’ spandex adventures and discuss their thoughts with little to no authority.

In this episode…

  • Strange Tales Annual #2 (1963)
  • The Fantastic Four Annual #1 (1963)

Images from Discussion:

Strange Tales Annual #2 The Fantastic Four Annual #1

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Episode 15: Good-Bye Hulk

Welcome to Make Ours Marvel, the weekly show where Michael Kaiser and Jon M. Wilson read chronologically through Marvel Comics’ spandex adventures and discuss their thoughts with little to no authority.

In this episode…

  • Journey into Mystery #90 (Mar 1963)
  • The Incredible Hulk #6 (Mar 1963)

Images from Discussion:

Journey into Mystery #90 Exit Jack Kirby, enter...fat Thor? Is Donald Blake lame...or a Pez dispenser? How to take over the world... "Thor went that way!" POINT Thor understands shape-shifters better than shape-shifters. The Incredible Hulk #6 I am Magneto! No, wait...! The silliest sequence in all of comics? And they lived happily ever after. For a few months.

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Episode 13: The First Crossover

Welcome to Make Ours Marvel, the weekly show where Michael Kaiser and Jon M. Wilson read chronologically through Marvel Comics’ spandex adventures and discuss their thoughts with little to no authority.

In this episode…

  • Journey into Mystery #89 (Feb 1963)
  • Tales to Astonish #41 (Mar 1963)
  • Strange Tales #106 (Mar 1963)
  • The Fantastic Four #12 (Mar 1963)

Images from Discussion:

Journey into Mystery #89 Bulletproof or dodging? Tales to Astonish #41 Enter Don Heck! Yes, please! Strange Tales #106 Hardcore, kids! The Fantastic Four #12 The Marvel Universe has its first crossover... New Fantasticar! HEMI? A classic rivalry begins! Reed totally knows...

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Episode 11: Freaky Friday of Doom

Welcome to Make Ours Marvel, the weekly show where Michael Kaiser and Jon M. Wilson read chronologically through Marvel Comics’ spandex adventures and discuss their thoughts with little to no authority.

In this episode…

  • Strange Tales #104 (Jan 1962)
  • Fantastic Four #10 (Jan 1963)
  • The Incredible Hulk #5 (Jan 1963)

Images from Discussion:

Strange Tales #104 Paste-Pot Pete...Marvel's first Spider-Man! Fantastic Four #10 This CAN'T be real... Oh wait, it's not. Whew! The Invisible Girl Pay no attention to the maniacal laughter! I wish I were you! (stereo) Where's Ant-Man when ya need him? The Incredible Hulk #5 The Hulk...beaten! Abominable Hulk? Adorable Hulk, you mean...

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Episode 9: When a Fish-Man Loves a Woman

Welcome to Make Ours Marvel, the weekly show where Michael Kaiser and Jon M. Wilson read chronologically through Marvel Comics’ spandex adventures and discuss their thoughts with little to no authority.

In this episode…

  • The Incredible Hulk #4 (Nov 1962)
  • The Fantastic Four #9 (Dec 1962

Images from Discussion:

The Incredible Hulk #4 Jumping or flying? Yeah that's flying... The first Hulk-Clap! Bruce Banner popping through or is Hulk just following orders? Bruce isn't REALLY in control. Alright! An epic alien vs Hulk showdo....awww it's just a Commie... The Fantastic Four #9 Some genius. Don't be the jerk Stan wants you to be! Standard hitchhiker uniforms. How the Human Torch flies! A lightning strike or misinterpreted drawing?

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Episode 6: My Secret Identity

Welcome to Make Ours Marvel, the weekly show where Michael Kaiser and Jon M. Wilson read chronologically through Marvel Comics’ spandex adventures and discuss their thoughts with little to no authority.

In this episode…

  • Journey into Mystery #84 (Sept 1962)
  • The Incredible Hulk #3 (Sept 1962)
  • The Fantastic Four #7 (Oct 1962)
  • Strange Tales #101 (Oct 1962)

Images from Discussion:

Journey into Mystery #84 Thor vortexes are pretty awesome. The Incredible Hulk #3 Hulk and Rick bombarded by Fantastic Four rays! Ways to make the Hulk even less important in his own book... Fantastic Four #7 Because everybody thinks like Reed! Strange Tales #101 Sue and Johnny would later develop an extreme case of asbestosis.

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Not Comics Special 1: Avengers Infinity War

Welcome to Not Comics, a sub-series of Make Ours Marvel where Michael Kaiser and Jon M. Wilson take a break from talking about Marvel’s spandex adventures and instead focus on Marvel’s en devours outside of comics.  In this special…Avengers: Infinity War!

Watch the Trailer:

Listen to the Special:

Episode 4: With Great Power

Welcome to Make Ours Marvel, the weekly show where Michael Kaiser and Jon M. Wilson read chronologically through Marvel Comics’ spandex adventures and discuss their thoughts with little to no authority.

In this episode…

  • The Incredible Hulk #2 (Jul 1962)
  • Amazing Fantasy #15 (Aug 1962)

Images from Discussion:

Incredible Hulk #2 Because kids don't understand magnets anyway! Awkward... Who needs Hulk? Bruce Banner saves the day! Self-imprisonment. Amazing Fantasy #15 Jack Kirby Spider-Man designs by way of Steve Ditko's memory. If they only knew...I have to feed on human blood now... Selfishness kills. Marvel's first motivated super-hero is born!

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Episode 3: Why Should I Want To Be Human?

Welcome to Make Ours Marvel, the weekly show where Michael Kaiser and Jon M. Wilson read chronologically through Marvel Comics’ spandex adventures and discuss their thoughts with little to no authority.

In this episode…

  • The Incredible Hulk #1 (May 1962)
  • The Fantastic Four #5 (Jul 1962)

Images from Discussion:

Incredible Hulk #1 The Hulk! A monster of mostly regular stature... ...and screaming...and screaming...and screaming... The first iThumbnail! Smarter than the Leader? Fantastic Four #5 Johnny loves reading the Hulk, too! Thing loves Sue! (Reed? Not so much...) Cool time travel tech. It is forbidden for you to interfere with human history! Doom escapes again for the first time.

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