Episode 144: Ew, Gross

Welcome to Make Ours Marvel, the weekly show where Michael Kaiser and Jon M. Wilson read chronologically through Marvel Comics’ spandex adventures and discuss their thoughts with little to no authority.

In this episode…

  • Tales to Astonish #90
  • The X-Men #30
  • Daredevil #26
  • Fantastic Four #61

Images from Discussion:

Tales to Astonish #90 The X-Men #30 Daredevil #26 Fantastic Four #61

One thought on “Episode 144: Ew, Gross”

  1. You know, I wish I could help you out with the Marvel Romance/Western coverage, but … I really don’t wanna read them myself. So, on to them super-heroes!!

    Tales to Astonish #90: Byrrah the first. Um, this story. Today’s world. Yeah. You get it.

    I totally had to look up the definition of “plebiscite” thanks to this comic. What the heck? Slowing down my comic reading! I’m just here for the Biff-Pow-Wham! And strategically placed fish weapons. Now that’s educational.

    Hulk vs The Abomination. I just realized his original look is pretty close to the Lizard’s, complete with that creepy mouth. And that gamma gun was operated like Banner’s original one from the cave, so I assumed it was the same one, but that doesn’t make sense. Banner needs to be more careful with his monster-making machines.

    You guys were talking about Gamma Rays resulting in wish fulfillment. I’d more read the supposition it released your “inner self.” Probably stated by Doc Samson. I’m sure you’ll get to him soon, like on episode 1000 or 2000.

    I really can’t remember where I first read Abomination outside of OHOTMU. It might have been Hulk Annual #15. More about that later.

    The X-Men #30: Versus the Warlock, who was Merlin, and had Marvel Girl and Prof X ride a water slide into his secret headquarters. That’s all I got.

    Oh wait! What is that green thing on his head? It has a tip on his forehead, then goes straight back, but does it connect to his costume, or just attaches to his scalp? I don’t know and don’t like.

    Daredevil #26: Leap-Frog almost teams up with Stilt-Man. During Leapy’s trial, I kept thinking Johnny Cochran: “If the spring shoe don’t fit, you must acquit.”

    I just had a thought. Herb Tarlek of WKRP In Cincinnati might have been based on Mike Murdock. And now I hate Mike Murdock!!

    Fantastic Four #61: Fight the Sand-Man. I do not like this new costume for the Sand-Man, but I do like it for a completely new villain, if that makes any sense? I just don’t think it fits Sandy.

    I went to look it up, and the portal was called “Sub-space” back in FF #51, so I guess this is the first time naming it “The Negative Zone”. Considering the Inhumans broke out of their Neg Zone just 4 issues ago, this must have vexed the FF fanboys and girls back in the day. But the name is too cool to retire, and this is a better use for it.

    I did not like Reed only thinking of the portal as a way to defeat Sandy. But I did like how strong Sue’s reaction was, and how Kirby and the letterer sold it. Pretty powerful.

    Wait, the FF have had time to fly back home from fighting Doom, and the Silver Surfer’s board still hasn’t found the Surfer to return his Cosmic Power? And Lockjaw has been missing all this time? I have an idea that solves both problems. Lockjaw found the Silver Surfboard, and tried to bury it, then took it to Galactus or the Watcher for a game a fetch, and finally got bored and returned to Crystal, so the board could go to Surfy. (Insert dialog of cosmic entity throwing the board for “fetch”.)

    And the Inhumans did stuff. Why are they still in this comic?!

    Ooo, the cameo of Peter and Mary Jane was delightful, and ties back to the issue of Spider-Man that mentions Whitey Mullins, and this upcoming game itself. So we’re adding school rivalry to Spidey and Torch’s hero rivalry. Heh-heh-heh!

    The first appearance of Crystal’s hair … thing. I never can tell if it’s a hair band or coloring, so I’ve decided it’s an extra power of hers to confuse readers with her hair style.

    Great episode, guys. Until next time, or until the Abomination’s mind gets replaced by Tyrannus*, make mine Make Ours Marvel.
    * Bet you thought I forgot to come back to Hulk Annual #15, but there ya go!

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