Welcome to Make Ours Marvel, the weekly show where Michael Kaiser and Jon M. Wilson read chronologically through Marvel Comics’ spandex adventures and discuss their thoughts with little to no authority.
In this episode…
- Tales of Suspense #59 (Nov 1964)
- The Avengers #9 (Oct 1964)
- The Fantastic Four #32 (Nov 1964)
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I am 69 years wrecked, and I was catching up with your terrific podcast on my childhood (that is what it’s about, right?). Other brave decrepits have most likely spoken up from their oxygen tents by now, but I will gladly admit I was an avid absorber of all things comics when I was a wee little bastard. At the time Marvel ignited my dad had been stationed at a military base in Germany, so that’s where I encountered all these issues you are bravely foraging through. At any rate, just thought you would like to know that you do indeed have listeners who are planning their funerals. Thanks for a great listen.
I do like Avengers #9, but on the cover, why is Wasp’s head so tiny? I know she shrinks, but it just looks ridiculous! Thor! Cap! Iron Man! (whisper) wasp. (shout) GIANT-HEAD I MEAN MAN!
For Enchantress flirting with Wonder Man, she just can’t turn it off. That’s the only way she knows how to relate to men, which is to say, controlling them. Seduce is one way. Boss around and insult (i.e. dominate) is her other play. And that’s pretty much it. When neither approach, she gets homicidal. Way, just realized she’s essentially always playing the M(arry)-F(bad word)-K(ill) game all the time!
I still can’t process Tony Stark having an Iron Man tracker in his car. I’m trying, but … nope. I got nuthin.
Jarvis first appearance! I was stunned! I don’t even think he appears in the Avengers title for a while yet, and even longer before his name is mentioned in that title. But he’s here in Tales of Suspense. All right, between Cap’s half of the book and Jarvis, now I have to add ToS to my reading list. DANG IT!
Usually I’m pretty forgiving of Reed, but not in this issue. He doesn’t tell the team who the Invincible Man is, just becomes Senor Bossypants Maximus because I’m leader so there! Convinces the Skrulls to exchange Super-Skrull for Sue’s and Johnny’s dad, and when Doctor Storm comes back and promptly blows up, “I suspected as much.” Well if you did suspect that, why didn’t you come up with a plan that wouldn’t kill your girlfriend’s father! And if he didn’t really suspect it, then he’s just trying to sound like Mr Smart-tastic when he screwed up. Ugh!
So since the Skrulls can grab any human off Earth from the fifth quadrant of Andromeda, that makes alien abductions real. … I will never have a moment’s peace again.
I know I was ragging on them, but these were fun issues to read. Until the Invincible Man returns, this time as a disguise for D.D., make mine Make Ours Marvel.
Dang. I wish the Sentinel of Liberty Podcast hadn’t been on temporary hiatus when this one came out!