Welcome to Make Ours Marvel, the weekly show where Michael Kaiser and Jon M. Wilson read chronologically through Marvel Comics’ spandex adventures and discuss their thoughts with little to no authority.
In this episode…
- The Fantastic Four #54 (Sept 1966)
- Amazing Spider-Man #40 (Sept 1966)
- Thor King Size #2 (Sept 1966)
- Tales to Astonish #84 (Oct 1966)
- The X-Men #24 (Sept 1966)
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I know I wrote a comment on this episode, but I don’t see it on the website now! (I double-check that sort of thing because I’m senile and paranoid.) Now it’s been too long for me to remember everything I wrote. If it somehow made it through, great, just disregard this message. If not, here’s some quick thoughts.
The Fantastic Four #54: You ever see the video game Monkey Ball for the Wii? That’s what Johnny and Wyatt are riding in. And I can’t unsee that.
Amazing Spider-Man #40: While rushed, it was pretty awesome to see the past stories pulled together from Norman’s point of view and showing us readers how it all fit. I hadn’t read it before, so this was great piece of Spidey history. Oh, and it’s so ridiculous to see fragile barely recovered Aunt May spoon feeding super-powered Pete in bed. Because sure, you’re doing it “for her” Peter. Right.
Thor King Size #2: “Can God make a rock bigger than He can lift?” I dunno, but apparently Odin can, or at least make a death-dealing robot than can totally death-deal the O-guy.
Tales to Astonish #84: The crossover of the stories was pretty fun, not to mention the parallels between them. Both stars stole clothes for disguises, get in trouble with cops, check out the movies, and finish the issue solo and shirtless.
Namor and bullet immunity. He totally got shot under the Puppet Master’s control just a few issues ago, lost blood and had to get back into the ocean to recover. I know squat about firearms, but I can’t imagine a rifle is *that* much more powerful than a .45 handgun. But perhaps Stan did remember that, and thus the hand-wave blurb in this issue to explain bullets bouncing off Namor here.
The X-Men #24: I just finished reading Jeff Smith’s Bone, with its main antagonist, The Lord of the Locusts. I keep thinking this Locust guy wouldn’t last a minute against Grandma Ben. https://boneville.fandom.com/wiki/Rose_Harvestar
Until next time, or until I learn what “quick thoughts” actually means, make mine Make Ours Marvel.