Welcome to Make Ours Marvel, the weekly show where Michael Kaiser and Jon M. Wilson read chronologically through Marvel Comics’ spandex adventures and discuss their thoughts with little to no authority.
In this episode…
- Sgt. Fury Annual #1 (1965)
- The X-Men #13 (Sept 1965)
- The Fantastic Four Annual #3 (1965)
- Journey into Mystery #120 (Sept 1965)
- Tales to Astonish #72 (Oct 1965)
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This is so funny. My other (besides the Destroyer) big “if he’s on the cover, I gotta buy the mag” Thor bad guy is the Absorbing Man. Terrific villain. Maybe the best bad guy who’s not some kind of scientific genius.
I always thought that Thor fixing his hammer at a steel factory or whatever was more of a shout out to working people, indicating that the work they do was on par with the trolls and that conversely, like, ..if my hammer breaks, I don’t take it to a steel-making plant to fix it. So, fixing Thor’s hammer is more akin to building a car or some other machine. Listening to you guys though, I agree that it would have made more sense to have Thor take the hammer back to the guy who made it to get it fixed. Maybe it came with an instruction manual. “In case of bifurcation by super-villain, do this….” Like, my harmonica, which also controls the weather came with a manual on how to clean it. GREAT cover by the way.
FF Annual #3: The wedding day. I really need to rewatch those Marvel Super-Heroes cartoons. I watched them as re-runs on TV as a kid, but not since. And yes, I remember that Sub-Mariner episode! The bit where Iceman pushes the Moloids back into the ground is especially vivid. And now I know which comic that came from, because from watching the show, I had no idea what was going on! Now it all makes sense(?).
Gotta say something about the cover. It’s crazy that there are 2 Nick Furys (Furies? Fury’s-es?) drawn. Sgt Fury at the top near the logo, and Col Fury of SHIELD near the bottom above Dr Doom. If either of those characters is somebody else, I’d love to know whom. But if I’m right, I guess Jack really liked Fury!
Thor #120: Maybe you guys talked about this, but Thor’s hammer is made or Uru, right? So where did he get more Uru to fix it with? Unless Uru is just Asgardian’s name for steel.
But! This might be the setup for Avengers #192-193, where a steel worker was given a chunk of Uru by Thor, and bad things happen. Looking forward to your coverage of those issues. I might still have all my teeth by then.
Tales to Astonish #72: Those diamonds that Namor finds. Are they the same diamonds from FF #1, that blinded the Mole Man? Actually, I’ve decided they are and that’s awesome!
Hulk and the Leader. I could get into parts of the story, which is pretty good but with some wonkiness on Hulk not changing back to Banner. But I just realized this could be changed into a sitcom and that tickles me too much! The Gamma Couple. One’s an evil genius. One’s a destructive powerhouse. Can 2 irradiated men share a secret lair without driving each other crazy? Plus, Tony Randall and Jack Klugman are PERFECT CASTING!
X-Men #13: Juggernaut? More like Jugger-not, amirite? In spite of the non-sensical decisions, it was pretty good. But I am still stymied about, what did they DO with Juggernaut after knocking him unconscious? Is he still lying on the floor? Did they just pull a rug over him and pretend he’s not there? Can they really just turn him over to the cops? I guess this will be explained in the next issue. Sure. Yeah. Uh-huh.
Oh, and great to see Juggernaut’s forcefield! In those Spider-Man issues, Spidey’s webbing couldn’t stick to Juggs thanks to that field. Impressive that was a thing from the beginning.
And such a great way to thank the Torch for helping out. “I’m gonna mind wipe you.” “But I won’t know how I got here. It’ll seem like I have blackouts!” “Oh it’s fine. Besides, you’ve been hit in the head lots of times. It’ll just be diagnosed as head trauma.” “Wait, what??” “FOOOOORGEEEEEET!” In the immortal words of Kitty Pryde, Professor Xavier is a jerk!
Until next time, or until an Avengers wedding is interrupted by the just-as-dangerous-as-Doctor-Doom Circus of Crime, make mine Make Ours Marvel.
You didn’t notice that that Scarlet Witch, Wasp or Giant-man are three heroes that didn’t appear in the FF wedding issue (unless you count being on the cover). Why the Scarlet Witch isn’t in it is a big mystery since she is a member of the Avengers at the time (and both Quicksilver and Hawkeye are there). While Hank not showing up isn’t such a surprise because he was always shown as an absent minded professor kind of character, Jan should have been front and center since she always enjoyed the social aspects of being a hero from the begining. Oh well this is just history but maybe you should remove their tags?