Episode 137: Happy Torture

Welcome to Make Ours Marvel, the weekly show where Michael Kaiser and Jon M. Wilson read chronologically through Marvel Comics’ spandex adventures and discuss their thoughts with little to no authority.

In this episode…

  • Tales to Astonish #87
  • Tales of Suspense #85
  • The X-Men #27
  • Daredevil #23

Images from Discussion:

Tales to Astonish #87 Tales of Suspense #85 The X-Men #27 Daredevil #23

One thought on “Episode 137: Happy Torture”

  1. Tales to Astonish #87: This cover with the Hulk fighting the oversized humanoid “Hulk-killer” threw me once, because at a glance I thought “why is Namor as big as the Hulk?” The problem is the humanoid is not the usual bright pink, but more caucasian colored, and has swim trunks. And it’s not just me. I tweeted this cover when I read the issue like I usually do, and a follower replied “Namor’s really let himself go!”

    Oh, did you guys see the ad for the Marvel Super-Heroes cartoon in the lower right corner? Nice!

    For Namor’s story, does everybody have a teleporter in the Marvel Universe? Holy cow, how many problems could they solve if someone just said “hey, teleporter.” Done.

    And Krang’s punishment for violating banishment is … double secret banishment! Dun-dun-DUUUUN! Because yes, *that’ll* work.

    Hulk vs Hulk-killer. It’s been a while since Banner had to appear to solve a problem the Hulk couldn’t. It was a big part of Hulk #1. So I liked having it here. But is that it for Banner? Kind of the opposite of the TV show? He’ll be Banner just long enough to fix things, then back to Smashy? We’ll see.

    Tales of Suspense #85: The other Iron Man vs Mandarin. I really expected Tony to free Happy in this issue. But boy, Tony just loves to build armor. Will we actually see any improvements next issue, or we that be forgotten by then? I’m thinking the latter, but will be pleasantly surprised to be wrong.

    Or another angle, Happy’s kidnapped, and Tony has to crawl out of the hospital and free him personally instead of, oh I don’t know, calling the Avengers? Maybe let the heroes that haven’t just had a heart attack do the heroing? Tony? Yes, looking at you!

    Hooray, Cap rescues the woman agent. Finally, after thinking about the woman agent for issues, he comes face-to-face with the woman agent so he can get to the bottom of why he seems to know the woman agent. (Stan, please give women names.)

    Gotta say, I love establishing that Batroc will fight to win, but also has a real code of honor when appropriate. So, crazy random thought, is there a parallel between Cap and Batroc like the US and French Resistance? Any chance that’s deliberate, or just a kooky happenstance?

    The X-Men #27: So Puppet Master has a Slightly Awesome Android. WAIT! He teamed up with the Mad Thinker in the past. He totally walked out with one of the Thinker’s spare androids, and MT never knew! Oh Puppet Master, you stinker you!

    When it comes to recruiting more X-Men in this issue, it seems there’s one criteria you guys didn’t mention. They solely went after younger heroes! Pietro and Wanda? Young-ish. Spider-Man and Human Torch? College students! Prof X continuing to only recruit child soldiers. Great job, Prof. But wait, he missed the Wasp. … Good.

    Daredevil #23: DD vs the Tri-man’s dudes and the Gladiator. Interesting repeats of themes. Gladiator showing honor like Batroc. And another teleporter. I mean, “Levitator.” Right. Master Planner I mean Masked Marauder has a “levitator,” not a “teleporter.” Because levitation is all about transporting across huge distances instantly. Sigh.

    The Maggia bit was confusing to me. I read it as MM talked with one group in the states, and the stateside group said “send DD and Gladdy to our arena in Europe for our buddies over there,” and the second group in Europe watched the fight. But the art sure made both groups look exactly the same. I kinda think the writing went a different direction than the art.

    But heck yeah, those 2 splash pages were purty!

    Thanks for another pulse-pounding podcast! Until next time, or until Namor gets a pet dog-fish named “Imperius Rex”*, make mine Make Ours Marvel!
    * Not a real thing, it’s a bad joke, and I’ve probably used it before, but that’s how I roll.

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