Episode 18: Lucrative Photography

Welcome to Make Ours Marvel, the weekly show where Michael Kaiser and Jon M. Wilson read chronologically through Marvel Comics’ spandex adventures and discuss their thoughts with little to no authority.

In this episode…

  • Amazing Spider-Man #2 (May 1963)

Images from Discussion:

Amazing Spider-Man #2 This splash page gets ripped off a lot. How does his wall crawling work, anyway? Flash fails at being inclusive. YOINK! The last time Jonah will be generous...! Peter sticking up for himself now that he can arm wrestle a gorilla. Herbert? Is that you? The confusing spider half-face! Greatest house ad ever?

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Episode 14: Two New Kids on the Block

Welcome to Make Ours Marvel, the weekly show where Michael Kaiser and Jon M. Wilson read chronologically through Marvel Comics’ spandex adventures and discuss their thoughts with little to no authority.

In this episode…

  • Tales of Suspense #39 (Mar 1963)
  • Amazing Spider-Man #1 (Mar 1963)

Images from Discussion:

Tales of Suspense #39 Tony Stark...everything 60s fandom should hate! Yinsen, 60% credit for creating Iron Man? Iron Baby steps... How to make an Iron Man entrance. Amazing Spider-Man #1 Stupid costume! Always killing my uncle! J. Jonah Glenn? Kirby FF > Ditko FF Please don't let this be Ditko...please don't let this be Ditko...please...

Bonus Video:

Listen to the Episode: