Episode 167: Marvel’s Space-Born Superhero!

Welcome to Make Ours Marvel, the weekly show where Michael Kaiser and Jon M. Wilson read chronologically through Marvel Comics’ spandex adventures and discuss their thoughts with little to no authority.

In this episode…

  • The Avengers #47
  • Marvel Super-Heroes #12
  • Amazing Spider-Man #56
  • Sgt. Fury #50
  • Strange Tales #165

Images from Discussion:

One thought on “Episode 167: Marvel’s Space-Born Superhero!”

  1. The Avengers #47: You asked if Magneto knew he was the Maximoff’s father by this point. According to Vision/Scarlet Witch #4 Vol 1, he did not, as that was the first mention or retcon of that status. That’s from 1983, so you’ll get there soon enough. Spoilers: he’s still a jerk to them in that story.

    Marvel Super-Heroes #12: There’s definitely a feel that Kree is Marvel’s Krypton if the planet didn’t blow up, and Captain Marvel is Superman-ish. Which is funny considering the contentious relationship between DC’s Superman and *another* Captain Marvel. The story so far was ok, I still don’t get why Mar-Vell needed to drink a one-time potion to breathe on Earth *and* use his helmet. (Just give him the one-hour restriction, that’s fine, but the potion? And doesn’t need to replenish it? Ehhhhh.) But I’m on board with the artwork, so looking forward to next ish.

    Amazing Spider-Man #56: The more you talk about MJ knowing that Peter is Spidey in these stories, the more I love it. “Gosh no, I haven’t seen Petey. Hey, here’s a story on Spider-Man. Loooook! Spiiiider-Maaaaaan!” LOL!

    I know amnesia is an overused trope, but when I think about it, the concept gives me the heebie-jeebies! Your memory and past is part of your identity. So losing that and being a blank slate means your past self is “suppressed” or worse “dead”. Brrrrr!

    Interesting question about Captain Stacy’s age. My kids just turned 16, and I’m 53, so I’ll be mid-fifties when they’re in college. (groan) And you know, I think I look about my age, but I’ve met plenty of 50-somethings that look like grandparents. Aging is weird. And the part that he’s retired, with that cane of his, maybe it’s from an injury in the line of duty rather than purely age-related. OR, maybe it’s like David Letterman (74) and his son (17)!

    Strange Tales #165: I should have things to say about these stories, but meh, they just didn’t make enough of an impression to bother. I’m hoping my opinion will improve when their solo series start.

    But always a great show, guys. Until next time, or until you reach the month I was born*, make mine Make Ours Marvel!
    * November 1967!!!!!!

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