Welcome to Make Ours Marvel, the weekly show where Michael Kaiser and Jon M. Wilson read chronologically through Marvel Comics’ spandex adventures and discuss their thoughts with little to no authority.
In this episode…
- The X-Men #25 (Oct 1966)
- Daredevil #21 (Oct 1966)
- Sgt. Fury #35 (Oct 1966)
- Tales of Suspense #83 (Nov 1966)
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The X-Men #25: The BIG 2-5! Let’s see what awesome menace our heroes are pitted against! … What. The. Freak. (Oops, sorry Happy.) The X-Men, who spend hours every day training, are bested by 3 guys with have the power of unfortunate stereotypes. Prof X needs to send the team’s parents a refund. Don’t look back, Jean! Don’t do it!
Daredevil #21: So the Owl’s castle headquarters, built in the shape of an owl’s head, is falling apart because it’s old? Nuh-uh. No way is that castle old *and* customized. The contractors just cut major corners on the way to their next job. Contractors are the real super-villains of the Marvel Universe.
Now, I’m not a geologist, but pretty sure, there’s no volcanoes near New York City, active or otherwise! We’d have heard about those by now. “Live from New York, it’s Saturday Ni-oh god, not again!”
“Bottomless pit”. Have you guys watched Gravity Falls? There’s an episode where they fall into a truly bottomless pit, and it’s awesome!
I shouldn’t say it, but there was a moment when Michael said “this issue has zero Happy or Karen”, not “Foggy”, and neither of you noticed or missed a beat, because why would you, and it was hilarious!
One final part about this issue: DD’s cover story to the judge about Matt. DD: “I put him in a skimmer headed to shore, so he’ll be fine.” Judge: “You put a blind man alone into a boat to drive in open water??” DD: “No, I uh, pointed him in the right direction.” Judge: “…” DD: “Hey, how about this flying robot owl! Pretty spiffy, huh? Huh?”
Tales of Suspense #83: So Iron Man and Titanium Man do the fighty-fight, and it’s pretty great fighty-fight. Nuff said. Oh, but Happy gets his memory back. Hooray for reversing brain damage!
Adaptoid Cap versus Tumblr. Oh man, I haven’t kept up with that social media site in ages. But I don’t get why the Adaptoid doesn’t like it, there’s some pretty cool pictures on it, and it’s not that hard to use even for a 60s robot, so… oh the TumblEr! Never mind.
So last episode, Jon probably was joking about “We won’t see the Thinker’s Awesome Android for a few years, so all we have for power-absorbing villains is Amazo.” When there’s the Adaptoid right here. And I’m pretty sure there’s some other character who can Mimic abilities and powers. Am I listening too closely to the podcast? Well yeah!
And as far as “Can the Adaptoid adapt abilities?”, I have a hunch we’ll see just that in the next issue. Also, you guys better hope he doesn’t adapt my podcast commenting abilities. Imagine how long the Mailbag episodes will be!
Another excellent show, guys! Until next time, or until the Adaptoid starts a Heavy Metal group*, make mine Make Ours Marvel!
* see Avengers 286-290, where he forms a team of giant robots and names it, well you know, I gave it away.