Welcome to Make Ours Marvel, the weekly show where Michael Kaiser and Jon M. Wilson read chronologically through Marvel Comics’ spandex adventures and discuss their thoughts with little to no authority.
In this episode…
- Tales of Suspense #72 (Dec 1965)
- The Avengers #22 (Nov 1965)
- The Fantastic Four #45 (Dec 1965)
- Amazing Spider-Man #31 (Dec 1965)
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Tales of Suspense #72: So after 3 issues of Iron Man fighting a larger version of himself (Titanium Man), it’s great to see a totally different story. Let’s see what we got here… jealous Countess … mechanical threat … becomes a larger version of Iron Man… Yeah…
Cap and the first Sleeper. I also remember the cartoon version of this story, but I don’t remember how Cap beat them in the end! No reading ahead for me, I’m looking to finding out as the episodes air. Looking forward to it!
Hawkeye: “Hey, Cap! Can you tell us more stories about Bucky? Like that time he died? I love hearing that one! Wait, where are you going? Don’t you like talking about the dead kid? Sheesh, what’s his problem?” For the love of god, Hawkeye!
Thank you guys for saying what I’ve been thinking every time that “it was 20 years ago” line gets said. Yes, it was just a month or so ago for Cap, not 20 years! Let the guy process his feelings! Oh wait, it’s the 60s, so that means going to a bar and getting into a fight, right? … “Hey Hawkeye, let’s go out.” *cracks knuckles*
The Fantastic Four #45: I did not know that the FF took in Dragon Man like this. That makes DM’s joining the Future Foundation a sneaky callback. Nice.
After some missteps with new characters (Dr Doom’s Goons), Stan-n-Jack really hit something with the Inhumans. Love seeing their first intro. I do want the questions answered, like why they want Medusa to stay but she wants to go. And when Crystal’s crazy hair band gets introduced. So keep ’em coming!
And hey, Carnac’s first appearance! Man, he was hilarious on The Tonight Show, holding those envelopes to his head, and the funny questions and answers, such good memories… oooooh, this is Karnak! Hey, it’s not my fault, they both have those huge hats! (I looked it up. Carson started doing Carnac in 1964. Hmmmm.)
Amazing Spider-Man #31: I have read the concluding issue of this trilogy in a reprint, so I know who Master Planner is. (No, it’s not the Purple Man, although you’d think so with the Purple Goons.) But these lead ups are pretty cool. I agree, Marvel does like the mystery villains. I dig it. AND I loves me the original Hobgoblin!
Wow! Gwen Stacy! The relationship between Gwen, Harry, and Peter is certainly going typical for Peter, but boy, I am loving this early look. Granted, I think hairband look is the definitive Gwen, but this is really great!
Hey, don’t think I didn’t hear that “the greatest Avengers story of all time-you know-the Under Siege story”, because YES YES YES!
Until next time, or until Captain America fights a robotic larger version of himself (OH COME ON!), make mine Make Ours Marvel!