Welcome to Make Ours Marvel, the weekly show where Michael Kaiser and Jon M. Wilson read chronologically through Marvel Comics’ spandex adventures and discuss their thoughts with little to no authority.
In this episode…
- Journey into Mystery #111 (Dec 1964)
- Tales to Astonish #63 (Jan 1965)
- Daredevil #5 (Nov 1964)
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Thor #111: Your take on Loki not delivering the message to get Jane’s cure was spot on. “Of course, Lord Odin, your wish is my command. Oh, but you didn’t say ‘Simon Says’. Neener-neener!”
But I must say, that was some seriously good drama for Thor himself. There might have been all 5 stages of grief in this story, leading up to “acceptance” when he drops the wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stasis time vortex what-the-what. I was genuinely moved.
Astonish #63: Jan did stuff! Hooray! And the villain was so impressed he attacked her with bug spray. Oh boy. I mean, I agree spraying with a toxic chemical at her size would take her out. But for Jan to have a kryptonite-like reaction (ooohhh, help me Hank) took the punch out of the moment.
Ok, the Hulk is strong enough to kick his legs up when he’s falling, swoop into an arc and fly up! I was gonna say, that ain’t how the physics work! But then I realized. You know when you startle a cat, and it springs into midair and twists into random directions and bolts outathere? That’s what happened here. Cats and the Hulk can defy gravity. All there is to it. The Incredible Hul-cat.
Daredevil #5: The Matador. I’m not reading this series, (I know, I know) but this issue? NOT EXACTLY SELLING ME! However, props to you guys for noting “Hornhead fighting a Matador.” Love that!
Until an Asgardian-powered thug and his crew carry on the proud tradition of “the Wrecker”, make mine Make Ours Marvel.