Welcome to Make Ours Marvel, the weekly show where Michael Kaiser and Jon M. Wilson read chronologically through Marvel Comics’ spandex adventures and discuss their thoughts with little to no authority.
In this episode…
- Fantastic Four #58
- Amazing Spider-Man #44
- Strange Tales #152
- The Avengers #35
- Smash! #38
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Fantastic Four #58: Page 1, Sue says “it’s lightning with Doom’s face!” Reed says “don’t be silly.” Page 2, Sue “now it’s lightning with Doom’s whole body!” Reed thinks “she’s right, but I don’t want to worry her.” So Reed basically gaslights Sue, and Ben goes along with it, so Sue won’t “worry”. And they all ignore the imminent danger. Whereas if they’d just listened to Sue IN THE FIRST PLACE! I JUST! GAH!
This is a really bad look on the men in the FF, and hasn’t aged well. Sigh.
Amazing Spider-Man #44: I really liked this issue. The Lizard stuff. MJ meeting the gang. Gwen sporting her headband. Even Peter overthinking how to protect his secret identity, when there’s easy explanations for wearing a sling. “I fell off my motorcycle.” It’s not difficult, Peter.
I totally hear “dueling banjos” in the scene with MJ and Gwen. I’m so weird.
“Just chop off his left arm.” LOL! That killed me!
Strange Tales #152: Dum-dum thinking Nick has died again is delightful. I can see the new show, “SHIELD Park”. Dum-dum: “Oh my gosh, they killed Nicky!” Jasper: “You HYDRA bastards!” Pardon my language.
Dr Strange sensing a female. Sheesh, be a little creepier. I’m with you guys, I loved Denny’s attempt to give Strange real-life problems. Ah, what could have been.
On the one hand, I liked Strange not falling for Umar’s deception. On the other, it undercut how smart or dangerous she is if she can’t convincingly pull off a lie. But if it gets us to finally having Clea in the book full-time, I’d be fine with that.
The Avengers #35: The first time I read this issue and saw Cap’s shield destroyed, it surprised me, but I probably guess they hadn’t established it being indestructible yet. But then, the second shield appears in the same issue. That was the “huh?” moment. I guess he has a closet full of spares, and forgot to grab one when the Adaptoid had his regular one. WAIT! Are the colors different for each of the shields? Would that explain why the coloring is wrong in some of the stories? It’s a different shield for the different colors! Yes, I’m going with that.
Smash! #38: I guess I’ll have to do some digging to find this story, because it sounds delightful, and I love the idea of a Spanish artist drawing the Hulk in Spain. Ole!!
Great episode, guys! Until next time, or until the Wasp makes friends with the Lizard but doesn’t hire him as her chauffer*, make mine Make Ours Marvel.
* They met up in Secret Wars Vol 1, issues 4-6 I think. If only the Lizard could drive, he’d look great in that chauffer cap.
Wait! I forget! Did you guys discuss that Whitey Mullins was name dropped in the college kid scene? Remember the arrogant football player from Johnny and Wyatt’s college? Page 10 in the Silver Spoon, “Now that Flash is being drafted, they oughtta grab Whitey Mullins, also!” Crazy continuity!
And totally worth post another message about. Yep. Totally. … I have a problem.