Welcome to Make Ours Marvel, the weekly show where Michael Kaiser and Jon M. Wilson read chronologically through Marvel Comics’ spandex adventures and discuss their thoughts with little to no authority.
In this episode…
- Strange Tales #147 (Aug 1966)
- The Avengers #30 (Jul 1966)
- Fantastic Four #53 (Aug 1966)
- Amazing Spider-Man #39 (Aug 1966)
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As a Math major back in the day, I approve of calling this “Episode 5-cubed.” Nicely done, Jon.
Strange Tales #147: Yes, loved Nick, Dum-dum, and Jasper beating up AIMsters/THEMselves. But man, that bit with the woman agent. Cringing as loud as I can. More than nuff said.
Dr Strange versus money. I was not expecting that, and totally dug it! We’ve had that with Spider-Man aplenty, and Fantastic Four on occasion. (I saw the parallels between the FF almost evicted from the Baxter Building and Strange’s housing problem here.) But for Strange to go thru this is great because he *does* seem like he should be above it! Hope it’ll be a continuing thing.
But I’m stunned that Strange rents the Sanctum Sanctorum. His decorating choices have got to violate the rental agreement. “What is this, a portal to a purple dimension? That’s gotta go!”
The Avengers #30: Wanda and Pietro going home to restore their powers. The main example I think of similar to this is Snowbird of Alpha Flight. When she crosses the border of Canada, she starts aging at a rapid rate. Really extreme version of a geographical link for a hero’s powers.
Fantastic Four #53: I do remember a sentiment that Ben started to dominate the stories. This could be an early example of that. And when it’s done with humor, he’s great. This … was not great.
Not positive, but I think the retcon of the Black Panther being a legacy mantle will come around when he starts getting solo stories. Fingers crossed this show reaches those! (Course, I’ll probably be in a nursing home by then, so that’ll be a great way to pass the time.)
I first met Klaw about 100 issues from now. Secret Wars was where I know him best, and that Cap’s shield story was crazy town, but I loved Waid’s run so much that I just went with it.
Amazing Spider-Man #39: Wow! Romita’s first issue! Never read it before! Love love love! Gotta say, I think I’m more of a Ditko guy, but there’s no denying Romita made Spidey his own quickly, and it’s good stuff.
Interesting comment Mike, about Ron Frenz being Romita inspired. I would agree his Peter and cast are very Romita. But looking at his Spidey, I’d say Frenz’s inkers would dictate the his look more. Josef Rubinstien made him look very Ditko, while Brett Breeding channeled a Romita look. (Oh don’t worry, I’m not smart enough to just know this, I consulted the comic covers on Mike’s Amazing World.)
Until next time, or until Klaw teams up with the Molecule Man’s wand, forming the Accs-Men (short for “Accessory Men”, sounds like X-Me-you-get-it), make mine Make Ours Marvel.